Post-processing in 𝗦𝗗𝙛đť™
Post-processing is similar to processing, but now the target is to bring the processed frame into the final looking frame by getting colors from the original frame. Go to the first frame and click on the top “Post-process” view:
As it happened with processing, now you get to see all the timeline in red, meaning that no frames were post-processed yet. On the left pane, you see a different set of option sliders, and analogous buttons for post-processing: a “Post process” button to post process a single frame, and a “Post-process range” to post-process a whole cut.
Post-processing a single frame
Click on “Post process”, and after a few seconds (post-processing is faster than processing), you’ll see the result frame. As you can seen, the color has now been gained back! (click on “Process”, and on “Source” to compare):
You’ve options to change contrast and alpha, to tweak how much of the style you want to apply and how much to blend with the original frame, if you want to preserve details.
Post-processing range
Once happy with the result, you can post-process the whole cut. Just like in Process, you get a dialog to select the range (from frame 2 to 115 in the first cut), and then just process the whole cut.
Once you’ve processed and post-processed all frames, you’re ready to encode the final video :). Next up is video encoding!